Monday, February 22, 2010

Connecting with Others

This weekend I spent many hours researching resources and collecting links for my blog (see list to the right). I found a bunch of great videos on YouTube, including smurfs and Hakuna Matata in German! I also found a great forum hosted by Sarah of Alphabet Garten. I'd been to her site in the past, but didn't realize how extensive it was (or maybe it wasn't when I was first there?). Either way, I am very excited about this forum, because there are so many families in the forum who are raising their families bilingually--some of them even as non-natives like me. Many, if not all of them, are doing it in German, too, which is an extra bonus for me, too!

My point--it really helps me to make these connections--helps me feel less alone in this process, knowing others are not only out there, but available should I need some support along the way.

I ended up writing to one man in Germany, curious to see how his process turned out, since he'd written about his family about 10 years ago on this old forum that seems to now be out of commission. He also has a website ( that I visited. Anyhow, I wrote to him, thinking that his address might be defunct (as many others from the BYU-language-site are), but he wrote me back and we're planning on skyping during the first week of March. VERY exciting for me--he's doing the same thing that Geoff and I are, but flip-flopped (he lives in Germany, both wife and he are native German speakers, he speaks to children in English).

All right. All for now!

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